Camp Sweet Life 2023

2024 Camp Sweet Life Executive Board of Directors


Timothy Emmers, Tim works for KEYC TV as a Marketing Sales Representative. Tim and his wife (Rochelle) have six amazing kids including 2 beautiful Type 1 daughters (Malayna and Mariana). Started Strike Out T1D in 2020 to help raise funds for CSL and awareness of Type 1 Diabetes. Joined the Board for CSL in 2021 with a goal to continue Strike out T1d and to bring families of those with Type 1 Diabetes together.


Tina Carstens, Executive Director for Ramsey-Washington Metro Watershed District with over 20 years’ experience in water resources management. Enjoys traveling, camping, and reading a good book. Mother of daughter with Type 1 Diabetes.


Jesse Sondreal, Attorney Jesse Sondreal brings an unrivaled background of legal, political, governmental,  marketing, business, investment and philanthropic expertise to the Camp Sweet Life Board of Directors.  Throughout Sondreal’s distinguished career, he has served on and presided over numerous professional,  community, and educational Boards. Sondreal applies his proficiency to help facilitate a best-in-class T1D  camp experience for the campers, the campers’ families and the generous volunteers who make Camp Sweet  Life so wonderful. Sondreal’s T1D journey began during the Covid-19 Pandemic, in March 2021, when his then 16-year-old son, Lincoln, was diagnosed. Sondreal resides in Mankato, along with his wife, Stacy, and their  children, Lincoln and Cameron. 


Anna Reedy, T1D since 1998; served as the Youth Ambassador for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation’s (JDRF) Walk to Cure Diabetes in 2004 and has served as a volunteer with JDRF since that time, working closely with newly diagnosed families and participating on JDRF’s Young Leadership Committee. Equity Specialist at Buffalo High School. Anna serves on the Camp Sweet Life Board of Directors because she is passionate about ensuring kids with T1D have the resources they need and are connected with others like them.

Executive Director:

Rene’ Maes, Jr.,   Bachelor of Science in Business Management with minor in Sales, Marketing, and Management. Initial Board member for Camp Sweet Life Adventures, Inc.

Contact Info:  Phone (507)995-6910             Email:


Board Members:       
Barbara Evans,
After years at home spent raising a family, I have recently reentered the work force as an event planner with Lund’s & Byerly’s. I enjoy reading, writing, cooking, and playing pickleball. I love spending time with my husband and four children. Years ago, I worked as an educator and a lawyer. I value compassion, kindness, and collaboration. In 2019, my daughter was diagnosed with T1D, and continue to be amazed at the efforts of so many people to help her daughter to cope with this disease.


Alan R. Fitterer, Masters & Specialist Degree in Educational Leadership/K-12 School Principal from Minnesota State University, Mankato; Public School Teacher for 10 years; Secondary Principal for the past 20 years. Enjoys family travel, hiking/visiting State & National Parks, avid MN sports fanatic, being a dad & supporting our kids in their activities, recycling & an environmental concerns advocate. Type 1 Diabetes since 1980.


Kristin Kilgren, Elementary Art Specialist for the past 19 years with a degree in Studio Art and Masters in Elementary Education. Volunteers with Girl Scouts, school Parent Teacher Organization, and church. Enjoys spending time with family on the water, off-roading and traveling. Type 1 Diabetic since 1988. I grew up attending diabetes camp and is excited to share that opportunity with others.


Dr. Robert Larson, MD with 40+ years in Pediatric Diabetes care. Completed fellowship in Pediatric Endocrinology. Past President of Camp Sweet Life.


Cheryl Loughmiller, Bachelor of Science in Animal Science and Nursing. Experience with volunteer groups through church, school, and community.  Type 1 Diabetes for over 40 years and 3 sons with Type 1 Diabetes.


Libbie Tuthill, I have been a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner in the Endocrine Clinic at Children’s Hospitals and Clinic of Minnesota for the past 9 years. Prior to becoming a Pediatric Nurse practitioner, I was a Certified Diabetes Educator for 18 years. Have been Med Staff at Diabetes camps in Michigan, Colorado, and Wisconsin. Volunteer for a Therapeutic Horseback Riding Program called Walk On. Enjoy spending time with family (both human and furry-cat, dog, and horse), tennis, skiing, anything on the water, and hiking.