Camp Sweet Life News:

Lions Club Makes a Huge Impact on Camp Sweet Life!

Check out their latest article about the contributions they have made to CSL over the years.

Read about it here!

Scholarship Opportunity

Available to High School & College students that play Tennis


The application portal will open February 1 for the 2024 Novo Nordisk Donnelly
Scholarship.  The program, in its 26th year, will be distributing scholarships to 12 high
school or college students who play tennis on a team or in tournaments and are living
with diabetes. $75,000 in scholarship funds will be available as follows:  Two (2)
National Winners in the amount of $10,000 each; Ten (10) Regional Winners in the
amount of $5,000 each. The scholarships are intended to support the student’s cost of
tuition, educational materials, and other related expenses at the college or university the
student selects. There are also two (2) coach awards of $2,500 each, available to tennis
professionals or coaches who teach tennis and live with diabetes. The title sponsor of
the Donnelly Scholarship is Novo Nordisk and other supporting sponsors include
Dexcom, Tandem Diabetes Care and Cecelia Health. The application deadline is May 1,
2024.  For more information, please click on the link below or contact Diane Stone


Mankato Marathon

Camp Sweet Life is a 2024 Charity for the Mankato Marathon.  Here is the link to support Camp Sweet Life through the Mankato Marathon 2024:


“I’m Packin’…Insulin: A Journey of Living Fearlessly With Type 1 Diabetes.”
Former Camp Sweet Life board member Catherine Van Hove, has written a book about her life with type
1 diabetes and growing up with a father who had it.
As you read about the challenging and antiquated years that tested Catherine’s resilience, you ‘ll find
yourself feeling grateful for the technological advancement we enjoy today. Her book will inspire you to
be a fierce advocate for yourself, and she encourages medical teams to view patients as leaders in their
own care.
This book is not only for those who have type 1 diabetes but for those individuals who do not
understand what it’s like to live with it.
Enjoyable, easy to read, and full of stories.
Link to her book on Amazon.



2023 Mankato Area Lions Diabetes Rally October 14th, 2023  – to date they have raised over $22,000 to support programs like the MN Lions Diabetes Foundation and Camp Sweet Life !


HundredX Fundraiser – We raised $12,416 for Camp!

Thank you to everyone that participated in the survey campaign! Every dollar makes a difference. We appreciate your support!

Mankato Area Sunrise Lions “Big Check” presentation from 2022 Diabetes Rally

On February 16th, at the Mankato Sunrise Lions meeting the Sunrise Lions Diabetes Rally, co-chair Carol Brady (far left), along with District Governor of Lions 5M2 Kathleen Bleckenberg,, and co-chair Rachel Depydt (far right) presented Rene’ Maes Jr , Executive Director for Camp Sweet Life Adventures, Inc. a check for $16,148.00 This was half the money raised from the 2022 Mankato Area Diabetes Rally. A check was also presented to the Minnesota Lions Diabetes (MLDF) $16,190!

Lions Club Donations to Camp Sweet Life

Hamburg MN Lions Club makes a $1,000 donation to Camp Sweet Life in at the 5M2 Midwinter Convention! Thank you, Hamburg Lions Club!

The Prior Lake Lions Club made a $500 donation at the 5M2 Midwinter Conference for Camp Sweet Life! Thank you for your continued support of Camp Sweet Life in our programs for Kids with T1D!


View the most recent DECA Spring Newsletter “Calling the Shots” HERE.

Mankato West grad earns scholarship from diabetes nonprofit

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CSL – 12 Years Strong